found the maid agency industry slumbering when it joined the market in 2009. It was hard to find maids. Employers can't seem to find a maid agency. And when they find one, the service just doesn't address the concerns at home. Maids were stealing. Maids were incompetent. entered the market with one thing in mind – shake it up. made it easy for employers to find maids. Before, employers have to sift through yellow pages, scan through paper classifieds or ask friends for referrals. The task was hard. The wait was long. In 2009, embarked on a journey to the unchartered frontier of the digital world. Before us, there was no maid agency presence in the internet. was the first. We were the first to establish the earliest maid agency website in the Philippines, the first to set up online social accounts, the first to reach out to clients. CALL (02) 8405 0000 IF BUSY Call (02) 8253 0953 (02) 8522 4654 Viber · WhatsApp · WeChat · Line 09988881818