NADINE's PLACE Private Pool & Staycation House Sitio Balite, Balayong, Malolos, Bulacan 👉7,500 WEEKDAYS Mon- Fri / Daytime 8am - 5pm 👉 8,500 WEEKENDS Sat & Sun / Daytime 8am - 5pm 👉 8,500 HOLIDAY Daytime or Overnight 👉 8,500 OVERNIGHT Mon- Sun 8pm - 6am 👉 9,500 CUSTOMIZED TIME 9hrs ( Depends on our schedule ) 👉 15,000 STAYCATION 22HRS ( w/ free Regular room / Fully airconditioned, split type / Double size bed with pull out ) 💦💦💦💦💦💦💦💦💦 Rooms Rate : 1,000 ( 9hrs stay) 1,500 ( 22hrs stay ) Per 1 REGULAR ROOM * Fully Airconditioned Split type * Double Sized bed with pull out bed --------------------------------------------- 2,500 ( 9hrs Stay ) 3,000 ( 22hrs Stay ) MASTER BEDROOM *w/ own toilet & bath *Fully Airconditioned Split type *1 Queen size Bed *2 Double Deck Bed 💦💦💦💦💦💦💦💦💦 Inclutions Ammeneties : *** FREE Use of Videoke ( 10pm only Brgy Ordinance ) *** FREE Use of 1 Galon of Water Dispenser ( Hot & Cold ) *** FREE Use of Griller ( Bring your own uling ) ***250php use of gas stove per session 💦💦💦💦💦💦💦💦💦 1,000 RESERVATION FEE for daytime and overnight stay 2,000 RESERVATION FEE for 22hrs staycation ( we accept Cash, Gcash or BDO Bank Transfer ) NON REFUNDABLE NO DOWNPAYMENT NO RESERVATION POLICY 25pax Maximum Capacity Allowed (150php Extra charge per head if excess) For bookings and more info call us @ 09663417240 (044) 812 5051